My name is Nina, and I am glad to see you here. Tutoring For The Spirit is a positive alternative to traditional counseling, where I use my powerful intuitive abilities that encourage guidance from the heart. 

I specialize in grief counseling and assisting people get through some of the toughest losses in life.


My counseling sessions are unlike many other therapists and combined with my many gifts and Reiki are powerful, and I promise you will leave knowing that you are okay and that you will get through this. Peace, will envelop your being. With the gift of peace you realize there is nothing to fear, and as peace begins to reside in your heart you will gently be shown the way.

Get Immediate Support: 619-322-6600 for a 15 minute free consultation.


Not knowing the next step to take or path to explore. Our feet may feel like glue. We are not sure what is wrong. We feel depressed, sad, and cannot stop crying, but often cannot pinpoint the cause.

Life can be a real struggle during these periods of loss and change. How will I ever get through this? We wonder. These feelings are temporary but when we are in them it does not feel that way. Its is important to know that in the space between the beginning and the end of whatever you are going through your soul is trying to evolve. This can be a gift and I can help you to open it through the guided messages I receive for you.

You will have discovered that you cannot NOT be okay.


If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in life’s search for love and wisdom.”



Nina was the healer that GOD led me to at the most challenging time of my life.  The ground was quickly coming apart beneath my feet and my reality was changing so fast that I couldn’t keep up with it.  My awakening was quite abrupt and traumatic since it was beyond time and I had been fighting it for so long.  I was hearing things, seeing things and feeling everything which made life as I knew it damned near impossible.  All of my unprocessed, unhealed trauma seemed to surface at once, which felt like a ton of grief and fear.  Nina was the one who guided me through all that – helping me to ground, heal and process, to integrate to the point where I could function again. If it weren’t for Nina I honestly don’t think that I would’ve been able to navigate my way through that period of time without losing my mind, not to mention my family.  She taught me how to function while feeling everything deeply and more importantly how to see that as the gift that it is.  She is one of the most compassionate, highest vibrational people that I know and a beautiful example of one who ‘serves’ in everything she does. 

 – Linda Brenkus



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Specializing in grief counseling, I have helped many get through some of the roughest times in their lives by being there to help them along that journey. Let me be the vehicle that get’s you though that rough patch and on to the next phase of your life.

To book your counseling sessions, for media requests, collaborations, and more contact me by filling out the form below. 

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Listen in as Nina interviews Near Death Experiencers, hospice professionals, Pet psychics that assist after your furry family members pass away and those who have survived cancer and what they have learned in life from it.