Losing Independence

I have learned so much since my own grandparents have died some 40 years ago. I would like to share with you some of the insights about what this generation goes through when they start moving towards the end of life. As a much younger person even though I am very close to being a senior myself, 60 is the new 40…Some thoughts are creeping in more than I’d like of what this will be like for [...]

By |2019-12-20T12:01:55-08:00December 20th, 2019|GRIEF COUNSELING, Hospice|Comments Off on Losing Independence

Acceptance Or Letting Go?

Written for opentohope.com I pick Acceptance.  It makes me cringe if I am in a conversation with someone who is grieving or missing a loved one in any way shape or form and I hear the words, it’s time to let go or you need to let go. I am sure their intentions come from a loving place. There is a time to let go of some things in our lives and grief is not one of [...]

By |2017-12-01T08:24:17-08:00December 1st, 2017|GRIEF COUNSELING|Comments Off on Acceptance Or Letting Go?
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