In this episode Nina discusses her expertise of intuition with professional education in the End-of-Life Field. Nina previously hosted the podcast Tutoring for the Spirit, but will join the Voice America network in May 2020 with Inspiring End of Life Conversations. She’ll be interviewing Near Death Experiencers, hospice professionals, Pet psychics that assist after your furry family members pass away and those who have survived cancer and what they have learned in life from it.

Learning About Living from the Dying, with Guest, Nina Impala; and Musical Guest Karen Seva on The Life Changes Show #521

Nina Impala writes about her lost of both parents and the writing process of her book in this piece with Open to Hope.
She wrote the bulk of her book while doing extensive volunteering. She found, working with people in grief, that there are unresolved issues sometimes several decades old that linger. “Behaviors after the parent dies are so much more difficult and so much more suffering is involved,” she says. Impala had her own issues with her father, and “lucky me, I had dreams before he died…and we talked about it.” She knew he was dying, and had four precious months of conversations.

In this next installment of the Ted in Your Head Interview Series, Ted interviews Nina Impala, Certified Grief Counselor, author and Reiki Master. For well over 20 years Nina has worked in the hospice field visiting the dying and educating their families. Her passion is to educate her community about the transition from this life, a subject that has been sorely neglected in our society. Her desire is to help people feel at peace with themselves whether the transition process is loss of a loved one, a pet, a relationship, or a job. Nina’s passion and love for what she does shines through her thoughtful answers in this podcast. Even if you are not in grief or suffering a loss, give yourself the opportunity to hear the empowering yet gentle perspective that Nina brings.